Lead Developer

Philipp / Germany

As a lead developer of Hydranet, Philipp develops and innovates core functionality of the products, mainly the MCLW and the integrated DEX. He is one of the earliest members and is a huge contributor to where the project is today. Philipp also has long running knowledge of the blockchain industry as a whole, as he took interest in Bitcoin early on. Based in Germany, he has experience as a cloud architect with jobs all around the globe.

Discord username








When did you join the project? 

March 2022

What was your first encounter with Hydranet?

Hydranet was born from the failed Stakenet project and i was one of the first community members to pick up and continue development.

What is your role in the project/How do you contribute to Hydranet?

Most of my time is dedicated to the development of the Multi-Currency-Light-Wallet. A desktop wallet that runs a lightning and vector node to execute cross chain atomic swaps using hashed timelock transfers.

In which programming language and frameworks you are working?

C++, Qt, Typescript, Javascript, Rust, Golang, Terraform, Kubernetes

Which databases are you using?

Postgresql, SQLite, LevelDB,

What software and tools do you work with? 

Visual Studio Code, Docker

Why do you think Hydranet is important?

With its focus on bringing Bitcoin into the world of DeFi, i believe Hydranet can save a spot in the ecosystem of Lightning and decentralized exchanges.

Previous experiences to highlight? (Crypto and/or Non-Crypto)

Early Bitcoin miner, running various chain nodes, masternodes. Freelance software and cloud architect / consultant

What are some hobbies or interests you have outside of Hydranet?

Scuba diving, sailing, 3d printing.

Favourite Music

Classic, hard and psychedelic rock like the doors, some electronic music

Favourite Author(s)

Huxley, Jack Kerouac, Hunter S. Thompson

Favourite Movie(s)

All from Tarantino