Nova Testnet

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Innovative solutions

Lightning Payments
From Your Pocket

Hydranet’s Web3 Wallet is a web application supporting Lightning and EVM off-chain payments right at your fingertips.

Integrated Lightning and Lithium off-chain nodes for cheap and scalable Bitcoin and Ethereum payments.

Engage in Bitcoin and Ethereum on-chain and off-chain payments with full control over your funds.

Multi-device Support

Seamless Integration
With Your Devices

The Web Wallet runs flawlessly on your desktop browser as well as mobile or tablet devices.

Store all of your crypto assets in the same place for easy control.

Connect with the Hydranet Web DEX for trusless and scalable cross-chain trading.

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Web Wallet FAQs

What networks are supported in NOVA?
The supported networks are Bitcoin Testnet and Ethereum Holesky Testnet.
With every instance you run your lightning node in your browser - which tries to identify itself as the same. Therefore only one can be connected. We are working on a cloud based-channel backup system to enable access on multiple devices. Expected rollout of this feature is mid April 2024.
The minimum amount to open a Lightning channel is 0.00004 BTC.
Reload the page and try to sync it again. If this doesn’t work, go to Discord and open a ticket. If you detect any bugs or have suggestions, please open a ticket at Discord
In Lightning both the counterparties of a channel have to keep a "punishment reserve" of the offchain funds that are not spendable. This allows any party to always be able to punish the counterparty in case of misbehavior and get at least the punishment reserve as a reward. We will improve the UI to show such info in the future.
You just need to wait for the channel to have at least 6 confirmations before being able to send the payment with keysend (via pubkey). In the future, we will add more info and also research 0 confirmation channels.


Key Features

BTC on- and off-chain

Engage in Bitcoin on-chain and off-chain transactions on Bitcoin testnet

EVM on-chain

Engage in ETH, USDT, and USDC on-chain transactions on Ethereum Holesky

Channel manager

Manage your state channels and transfer funds to and from Layer 2

Dark Mode

Switch between dark and light themes, as you like

Wallet page

Manage your Bitcoin and EVM assets

Transactions page

A record of your previously made on- and off-chain transactions


Manage your wallet preferences and security

not included

Current Limitations


Hydranet’s Lithium off-chain protocol for EVM off-chain transactions

External signer

Store and manage private keys outside the WebWallet application

Welcome screen

Password protection for enhanced security

Channel Rental manager

Increase your off-chain inbound balance/can receive balance

DEX functions

Trading functionality will come with the Hydranet WebDEX

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