General Info


A 3-6 Gnosis multi-sig manages the HDN DAO treasury. The treasury itself gets filled from HDN bonds sale. The bond sale proceeds then get staked as GLP or spent directly for Hydranet DEX development.

You can buy bonds here:


Current assets held by Hydranet DAO

Last Update: 13.07.2023

11,549,117 HDN 30,509.383 USDT
0.589  AETH
30,328.644 USDC

You can track the live value of the Hydranet treasury here:

HDN Vault: Holding all non-circulating supply of HDN to be used at the discretion of the DAO. 4/6 needed for multi-sig 0xC5888C4C261a1C5e8745EB1977eb54FcB21d2A28

Treasury Address: Holding all treasury assets of the DAO 0xEe17c27b97539B292c0dC987707121e51D9Ea41D


Protocol Owned Liquidity

The project will administer liquidity in Uniswap V3 set at a 1% fee from a 3-6 multi-sig. Fees generated will act as yield, converted to GLP, and deposited into the main PCV treasury.​​​​

The POL can be tracked here:

Protocol Controlled Value (PCV)

Protocol Controlled Value (PCV) will be managed by a 3-6 gnosis multi-sig. The assets in the PCV will be composed of mostly highly liquid assets.

Multi-signers will have the ability to purchase assets, stake, and manage the treasury for the PCV.




  • HDN: 0x3404149e9EE6f17Fb41DB1Ce593ee48FBDcD9506